Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If oUr lovE WaS a fairY TaLE
i WouLd CharGe iN AnD ResCue yOu
On a yatCh
We WoUld SaiL
tO aN IslAnd WheRe We'D saY ' I Do '
aNd iF We hAd BaBieS
TheY WoUld LoOk lIke YoU
iT'd Be sO BeaUtiFul iF tHat CoMe TruE
yOu Don'T eVen KnOw hOw vEry SpecIal U Are
YoU leAvE mE BreAthLesS
yOu'rE EveryThiNg gOod iN mY LifE
yOu lEaVe me bReaThleSs
I sTilL CanT bELievE thAt U're miNe 
U juSt WalkEd Out oF oNe oF mY dReAm
sO beAutIful
you'RE leAvIng  mE bReAthLesS.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


ThIs Is WaYnE, New pHotOgrAPher,
haD GreAt sHooting SeSsIon At tHe pArk.
tHiS Is oNe oF tHe phOto I wisH tO shAre.

I liKe PhoToShOoT!!