If oUr lovE WaS a fairY TaLE
i WouLd CharGe iN AnD ResCue yOu
On a yatCh
We WoUld SaiL
tO aN IslAnd WheRe We'D saY ' I Do '
aNd iF We hAd BaBieS
TheY WoUld LoOk lIke YoU
iT'd Be sO BeaUtiFul iF tHat CoMe TruE
yOu Don'T eVen KnOw hOw vEry SpecIal U Are
YoU leAvE mE BreAthLesS
yOu'rE EveryThiNg gOod iN mY LifE
yOu lEaVe me bReaThleSs
I sTilL CanT bELievE thAt U're miNe
U juSt WalkEd Out oF oNe oF mY dReAm
sO beAutIful
you'RE leAvIng mE bReAthLesS.